Spank! - The Fifty Shades of Grey
The Moore Theatre
1932 Second Ave. Seattle
The saucy book that took the world by storm gets teased into an uproarious, song-filled send-up. Spank!: The Fifty Shades Parody is a new musical comedy that takes all the naughty fun of the best-selling book and brings it to hilarious life. Featuring a cast of top comedic actors and improvisers, you'll be laughing out loud at this re-imagining of the characters of E.L. James' kinky romance as they step out of the pages and onto the stage. The show is filled with sharp-witted comedy, sensational musical numbers, and an extra-steamy performance from the hunky leading man. Part Chippendales, part Second City, this unauthorized parody also features a few fun and frisky surprises for the audience.
Thru - Feb 17, 2013
Box Office: 206-467-5510