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  Madame Butterfly at McCaw Hall

Madame Butterfly

McCaw Hall
321 Mercer Street Seattle

Puccini's unforgettable classic Madame Butterfly is hailed internationally as one of the most beautiful -- and one of the most tragic -- operas ever staged. It's the story of an innocent young maiden who catches the eye of an American Naval officer and becomes his temporary "wife," only to be left behind when he returns to the U.S. What begins as a beautiful love story becomes a heartbreaking tragedy when the abandoned young woman, now a mother, must make an agonizing choice in the name of tradition and honor. Madame Butterfly offers famous arias and joyous moments, and boasts one of the most shattering and legendary final scenes in the opera canon. See the Seattle Opera production at McCaw Hall, featuring new-to-Seattle sets and costumes, and traditional staging inspired by stylized Japanese theater.

Thru - Aug 19, 2017

Box Office: 206-733-9725

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